Wedding Party braeking nollywood box office

Producers of The Wedding Party, a blockbuster Nollywood movie, have officially announced the total box office takings of the movie, which premiered in cinemas across Nigeria late last year.

According to the figures released in an announcement made on Sunday by Ebonylife Production at the Sky Lounge, Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos, The Wedding Party is now the highest grossing Nigerian movie with total box office takings now in excess of N450 million.

Subsequent to its theatrical release in December 2016, ‘The Wedding Party’ racked up N203 million in just two weeks, topping the 2016 Nigerian Box Office and becoming the highest-grossing Nollywood film ever.

In 2017, The Wedding Party continued its record-breaking streak with takings now in excess of N247 million bringing its combined total to N450 million.
With the development, the movie has far surpassed the grossing of A Trip To Jamaica, Wives on Strike and The CEO, which grossed N168 million, N71 million and N60 million, respectively, and were once ranked among highest grossing
Nollywood movies.

The fabulous wedding-themed costume party at Eko Hotel, according to Mo Abudu, executive producer of the movie, was in appreciation of the feat achieved for the first time by a Nigerian movie.

“We set out, quite deliberately, to make a high-quality film that any Nigerian would be proud of and could relate with. ‘The Wedding Party’ has shown that the best Nollywood movies can beat the Hollywood blockbusters in their home territory. For the first time, Nollywood is competing with Hollywood at the Box office and winning…” Mo Abudu assured.

Underscoring further the successful cinema run of the movie, Mo Abudu explained that from the FilmHouse IMAX cinema in Lekki, to the Genesis Deluxe cinema in Owerri; from Viva Cinema in Ilorin to Silverbird in Abuja, the long ticket queues and sold-out viewings are true testaments to the cinema success of the movie.
Besides the announcement, another highlight of the party was the cutting of a four-tiered cake by the ‘celebrants’ while bonuses were presented by the Elfike Collective to its hardworking cast and crew including Kemi Adetiba, the director of the movie.

Set in Lagos, Nigeria, The Wedding Party is the story of Dunni Coker (Adesua Etomi), a 24-year-old art gallery owner and only daughter of her parents, about to marry the love of her life, IT entrepreneur Dozie (Banky W).
