Youtube and GTA 5 Go Porn; will Twitch follow?

If you’re worried about porn taking over every aspect of our lives, you might be a bit too late. Not only can men and women alike easily satiate their need on sites like Pornhub, but now porn can be found all over. Just a simple search on YouTube can bring up some interesting results. Beyond that, gamers can find adult entertainment on video games like GTA 5. It’s only a matter of time before live streaming apps like Twitch are next.


Remember the whole dream within a dream thing that Inception was famous for? Well, YouTube is kind of doing that, but with porn. One particular video shows
porn stars watching their own porn videos. The reaction ranges from the humorous to the slightly embarrassed, as one would probably expect. If you really want to go deeper down the rabbit hole, try filming yourself watch a porn star watch her own porn, and then put that on YouTube.


GTA 5 isn’t just a the kid-friendly, carjacking game we all know and love. No, GTA 5 has a dark side to it. Oddly enough, this dark side doesn’t involve the murdering, drug dealing, bank robbing activities that made GTA 5. It involves porn. Just check out PornHub and Youtube. You’ll easily find hundreds of videos that exclusively deal with GTA 5 porn. There’s no need to judge here, but it certainly seems like there’s a big market for watching video game characters have sex.


Twitch has a reputation of being a site where teenagers can watch streams of video games. If there’s anything else that teenagers like more than video games, it’s probably large breasted women. For this reason, Twitch happens to be filled with them. All over the site, sexy girls in suggestive clothing earn cash from the donations fo thousands of viewers. These women simply play video games and talk with the largely male audience. Twitch hasn’t made any public statements regarding the phenomenon, but they aren’t stopping it anytime soon. Even ex-porn stars have gone on to reinvent themselves on Twitch. Some even encourage masturbation while viewers watch these girls play video games. Some people believe sites like this and Youtube should be sacred, porn free environments. The people have spoken, though. They want porn and they want it everywhere.
