SPORT: Lamar Odom to undergo kidney transplant?

The former NBA star, who was found unconscious at a brothel in Nevada last Tuesday following a four-day drugs and alcohol binge, is reportedly still battling kidney failure despite being moved from Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas to Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles last night . A source claims the 35-year-old athlete's organs are all functioning at various levels again, but ''his kidneys are shot.'' The insider told gossip website that Lamar, who also suffered multiple strokes and said to be suffering from aspiration pneumonia, is set to have six hours of dialysis - a process to remove
waste and excess water from the blood and is used primarily as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function - a day, but could eventually need a kidney transplant. Doctors in L.A. are also planning to perform more tests on his brain in a bid to establish the full extent of the damage from the strokes. However, the former 'Khloé & Lamar' star's aunt JaNean Mercer insists he's making ''miraculous progress'' and ''taking a few steps.'' In a statement, she told ''As Lamar begins a new chapter in his road to recovery, PLEASE continue to uplift him and the family in prayer. He continues to make miraculous progress, taking a few steps in Los Angeles. We couldn't be more overjoyed! We realise Lamar's continued improvement will not be easy, however his unrelenting strength and faith in GOD will pull him through. To everyone from across the nation and around the world who continued to send your love and prayers, we THANK YOU sincerely.''
