MUSIC: "I almost committed suicide" - Janet Jackson

Late Micheal Jackson's sister, Janet Jackson  and wife to Quatari Muslim  Billionaire, Wissam Al Mana has revealed in a recent interview with MTV News that she almost committed suicide because of the restrictions and burdens her new life and religion brought upon her, she said it wasn't an easy transition at all. Janet added,  she was deprived of almost everything in life, as she couldn't listen to music, drive a car, wear designers
clothes only the Black Abaya and she couldn't even move outside her residential home in Doha and was always surrounded by heavily armed security men. She said her new song featuring J.Cole "No Sleep" says it all; from her marriage, to the difficulties involved in adapting to her new life, the stress involved in being a muslim wife and the regrets she had due to the choices she made. Janet Jackson was honoured with the inaugural Ultimate Icon Music Dance Visual Award at the 2015 BET Awards in Los Angeles
