MUSIC: Rapper Mase Abandons His Flock, Leaves His Church

Mase, who “retired” from rap in 1999 to pursue a career in the ministry, built up thousands of followers split into two churches in Atlanta and Phoenix … preaching the virtues of marriage and family values. He jumped on stage at the 2015 BET AWARDS to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Bad Boy.  One had to remember that he was the star of the preaching world.
That all came crashing down earlier this year when Mase and his wife divorced, causing most of his
flock to flee in anger.  As for those stalwart loyalists, well Mase says … screw them.
Once Mase and his wife divorced, a majority of the people at the churches left in anger.
“That all came crashing down earlier this year when Mase and his wife divorced, causing most of his flock to flee in anger.  As for those stalwart loyalists, well Mase says … screw them.” (TMZ)
Mase chose to ditch both churches and move back to the rap game.
“He’s dropped all ties with both churches and is playing regular rap gigs around L.A., jumping back into his former lifestyle hardcore.” (TMZ)
Last week  if you recall Ja Rule expressed concern for him in our story Newly Saved Ja Rule Expresses Confusion And Concern Over Mase’s Actions.
We pray God keeps him safe.
