Whoever said “romance is dead” has obviously never dated Rihanna Potentially on-again couple, Rihanna and Drake, had a romantic evening out this past Wednesday, hitting up a Houston strip club and dropping $21,000 on booze and strippers. Talk about romance.
Color me not shocked that Rihanna’s idea of a fun night out is dropping the equivalent of my student loan at the strip club. Home girl loves strippers like Charlie Sheen loves hookers and porn stars, which is saying something. I think Rihanna has accepted her inner stripper and now wants to unleash it, hence her “Pour it Up” video and her frequent visits to “da club.”
No, the above picture is not from Rihanna’s night out with Drake; those were taking from another night Rihanna made it rain on the strippers. According to her Instagram, Rihanna goes on vacations a lot, smokes a lot of weed, and lives it up at strip clubs like she’s Puff Daddy in 1996. So, basically she is living every teenage boys dream. I’m pretty sure her life motto is: Fuck bitches, get money, smoke weed. And you know what? I’ve dissed Rihanna in the past, but I can respect that shit.
However, for me, the most important thing is that she’s being spotted places with Drake again. I’m not going to lie, I’ve got a real soft spot for Rihanna and Drake. I just think he’s a good guy and he’s treat her right. Jimmy Brooks from Degrassi knows how to treat the ladies, and Rihanna needs to start dating guys that don’t give me nightmares. Little girls check under their beds for the boogeyman, big girls check under their beds for Chris Brown.
Drake and Rihanna were first linked a few years ago, and Drake has admitted that she broke his heart a little bit, and since then I have (sadly) held out hope that these two would end up back together. Well, in the past couple of weeks they’ve popped into each other’s shows, gone out to dinner, AND now they’ve lived it up at the strip club. I don’t know about you, but concerts, dinners, and strippers sound like dating to me! So, I guess dreams do come true.